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Soldierstory Ss099 1/6 Wwii Eighth Route Army Gunner Action Figure Toy Model

   Soldierstory Ss099 1/6 Wwii Eighth Route Army Gunner Action Figure Toy Model. HEADGEAR The Eighth Route Army fatigue cap Straw Chinese hat HEADSCULPT Eighth route army life live head sculpt BODY S2.5 BODY Weapon holding bare hand (1 Pair) Relaxed bare hand (1 Pair) Bare Feet (1 Pair) UNIFORM White shirt Eighth route army tunic Eighth route army trousers Shoulder pad Gaiters (1 Pair) Black cloth shoes (1 pair) White cloth shoes (1 pair) ARMY GEAR Army Leather belt Army utility shoulder bag Canteen Canteen pouch Blanket (w/ shoulder harness) Cloak Army grenade pouch White towel Army ...
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