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Original Wwii Ww2 German Armed Forces Handbook On The British Army Scarce

ORIGINAL WWII WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Army Scarce
ORIGINAL WWII WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Army Scarce

ORIGINAL WWII WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Army Scarce

ORIGINAL WWII WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Army Scarce

ORIGINAL WWII WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Army - Scarce! Scarce WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Forces, produced in 1944 for identifying British soldiers etc. Gives information on weapons, uniforms, equipment, badges worn etc.

ORIGINAL WWII WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Army Scarce

ORIGINAL WWII WW2 German Armed Forces Handbook on the British Army Scarce