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Mint Orig Bundle Of 10 Us Army Ww2 Wool Trigger Finger Mittens Dated 5/15/43

   This is a pair of mint, unissued, unused bundle of 10 pairs of wool trigger finger mittens, dated May 15, 1943. These mittens are described in the US Army Quartermaster Catalog of 1943 as Mittens, Insert, Trigger Finger, Type 1, Stock No. 73-M-2735 Large 73-M-2740 Medium, A knitted wool liner to be worn inside mitten-shell, trigger finger, type 1, to form a cold climate hand wear assembly. Trigger finger on the back to fit in the outer shell. The mittens are still tied in a bundle of 10, with original carboard label, just as they came from the factory in 1943. The mittens are ...
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