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Original Wwii 1945 U. S. Army Air Force Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Type 1 Photograph

   Size : 7 and 1/2 × 9 and 1/8 inches. Type : First Edition - Type 1 Photograph. Subject : Hiroshima Atomic Bomb - U. This exceptionally rare and museum-grade World War II artifact is an original Type 1 Hiroshima atomic bomb aftermath photograph, directly from the U. Army Air Force Washington, D. This first-edition 1945-dated military photograph is in near-mint condition and still retains the full U. OFFICIAL PHOTO black ink stamp, along with the extremely rare hand-typed fragile paper description affixed to the image. Type 1 photographs are the very first prints made from the ...

Us Army Atomic Explosion Victims Vintage Cold War Soviet Civil Defense Poster

   Original slogans on the poster. SELF-HELP AND MUTUAL AID TO VICTIMS OF THE ATOMIC EXPLOSION. IN: 27 ¹¹/64 x 33 55/64 = CM: 69 x 86. Every side made its best to prepare people foe every minute expected Atom Attack from the Enemy and stay alive. That was really one of the excited time. More history information you can read here: en. Thanks for your visiting and stay well and healthy! SUSANNA AND THE MAGIC RING original name: SUSANNE UND DER ZAUBERRING A funny tale about the girl Susanna, whom the old captain gives a magic ring. Of course, it is difficult to believe in magic, but if...

Wwii Us Army Manhattan Project Service Certificate Atomic Bomb Project Framed

   Here is an highly scarce. World War II US Army Manhattan Project Certificate. The Certificate was issued for working on the top secret Atomic Bomb project known as the Manhattan Project. It was run by US Army Engineer Brigadier General Leslie Groves. The document is dated August 6, 1945 (probably post dated) and is signed by Secretary of War Henry L Stimson. It might be an original signature or an auto pen, tough to say given it is framed and under glass. The document is named to Fred Coury. The Certificate is in excellent condition, the frame in fair to about fair plus and it appears...
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